Anointed to Reign in the Courts of Heaven

In April 2007 I lived through a series of supernatural experiences in Kansas City, Missouri. During this period, I was ministering at Christ Triumphant Church, in Lee’s Summit, Missouri where King of Glory Ministries International had sponsored a ‘School of the Supernatural’. I had shared the message that I was given during that season about ‘approaching global revivals’, and the importance of angelic ministry’s role in sparking these approaching events. I encouraged the people to examine their hearts in preparation for these unfolding events.  In the last session I spoke about how the Lord would begin to allow and anoint ordinary people to ascend into the realms of heaven and interact with angels to release God’s plans upon the earth.  During this lesson in the school, I was teaching about ‘third heaven intercession’ and interacting with open heavens to release or activate angelic intervention and ministry upon the earth. 

Third Heaven Intercession

Some people call these kinds of experiences, or angelic encounters, and the resulting impact upon the earth, “third heaven intercession.” When you encounter angels in the heavenly realms, the Lord will often ‘loose’ these angels to impact your life or your sphere of influence, or sphere of anointing. In Zechariah 3 we read a description of such a supernatural experience where Joshua stands in the councils of God. He is standing in the realms of heaven among Jesus, the Father, and several angels. The Angel of the Lord (Jesus) commands the angels nearby to minister to Joshua. The angels who are in attendance then minister to Joshua by placing upon him a new mantle. This is parabolic of the removal of his sin. The angel places upon him a new mantle that releases forgiveness and cleansing. The new mantel also releases an anointing to complete his calling and mandates from the Lord. This is an area or facet of angelic ministry that the Lord will begin to open up to many people at this hour. I want to elucidate upon this passage in this chapter.

We find the impact of Joshua’s ‘open heaven’ experience outlined in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. Joshua was one of the men called, along with the prophet Zerubbabel, to undertake the momentous task of rebuilding the temple in or around 539 B.C. A study of these two books also reveals the ongoing angelic intervention and involvement in the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. I suggest it here for your study. However, I believe that the ‘open heaven’ experience and angelic encounter that we see in Zechariah 3 played a crucial role in the release of the Jews from Babylonian bondage and the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem. This is a great parabolic portrait, or one example, of how the Lord will begin to utilize angelic ministry to rebuild or reestablish His Kingdom upon the earth at this hour. The Lord will continue to use individuals in this manner today as well, by allowing ordinary people to co-labor with angels to impact the events and affairs of men upon the earth.

We see this type of God-ordained prayer or ‘3rd heaven intercession’ here. Look at Zechariah 3:6-8 Then the Angel of the LORD admonished Joshua, saying, “Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘If you will walk in My ways, And if you will keep My command, Then you shall also judge My house, And likewise have charge of My courts; I will give you places to walk Among these who stand here,(the angels). ‘Hear, O Joshua, the high priest, You and your companions who sit before you, For they are a wondrous sign; For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant the BRANCH (Inserts mine). We should remember that Joshua’s companions are of the Levitical priesthood, and the angels present in the heavenly realm. On the other hand we are called to be priests after the order of Melchizedek.

The Courts Are Now always in Session

The phrase used in this passage: have charge of my courts, can literally be translated as to have free access to the courts or realms of heaven. The Greek word used here for ‘have charge’ is actually the Greek word shamar, (Strong’s Greek Concordance reference # 8104), and can be translated as: guard; generally to protect, to attend or to have access to, etc- to be aware of, be circumspect or knowledgeable about a thing, take heed of one’s authority for, to keep as a caretaker, to mark or recognize a thing, to look narrowly, to observe, to preserve, to regard, to reserve, to save (self), to wait upon (like a waiter in a fine restaurant),  or to watch for or to be a watchmen. To expound upon this another way, it may be said that you have been freely given the grace to be a witness in God’s heavenly courtroom.

This kind of “third heaven angelic ministry” will markedly increase in the coming seasons. This will be, in part, because of the Lord’s wooing of the Body of Christ, and also because many saints will discern and heed the Lord’s urgent call to cleanse their hearts and lives seeking to walk in true holiness.  They will begin a radical search for Jesus with all of their hearts, souls, and minds. As they submit to the Holy Spirit’s cleansing and holy fire, they will begin to experience open heavens over their lives and will begin to have free access or charge of the courts of heaven or heavenly places. In these places angelic encounters will be plentiful and actually a common place event.

These kinds of angelic encounters can be life changing. Usually these kinds of ‘open heaven’ angelic encounters will also have a definite and dramatic effect upon the unfolding events on the earth. At times the impact can be immediate, or it can unfold chronologically. Nonetheless, these kind of “third heaven” angelic encounters are very important and will affect the earth in the coming days. This will surely be true concerning the approaching global revivals and outpourings of God’s Spirit and power. Again, this will be characteristic of the priesthood of all believers.

The Courts of Heaven

When the ”School of the Supernatural” was completed, I returned to the church the next day to finalize some chores. It was a Monday, and the building was empty. As I unlocked the front door and walked past the double doors to the sanctuary, I sensed the power of the Holy Spirit hovering around the altar. I had stood on that altar and preached a message about Zechariah 3, and God’s invitation to His people to access the heavenly court room, just about 12 hours before. In my mind I knew that I needed to do those chores that would take about an hour. I was preparing to depart on an international ministry trip to Sweden, Holland, and the UK the next morning, so I was on a tight schedule. I was in a hurry. I was busy. But my spirit was drawn to the presence of the Lord that was hanging heavily in the sanctuary.  I said, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” I heard the Lord say. “Come up here.” I thought that the Holy Spirit was referring to the altar in the church sanctuary. So I walked slowly through the edifice and knelt at a spot at the middle of the altar. 

It seemed that the heavens were open overhead and I could feel the Holy Spirit “swirling” in and around the altar and platform. Then I heard beautiful worship music, and for a moment thought that perhaps Pastor Joe Gabbard might be in the sound booth. I turned to check and saw only “flashes” of light shooting through the building. I said, “Lord, what are you doing this morning, and what do you want me to do?” Once more I heard the Lord say, “Come up here.” I had the revelation that I needed to lay prostrate upon this spot of the gray carpet. The instant that I was obedient to lay down I was immediately ‘launched’ out of my body. This was the same kind of sensation that I had experienced in Newfoundland when I had been taken by a strong angel into the presence of Jesus. It seemed that the Lord was serious when He said, “Come up here.” This is another example of the Holy Spirit opening the heavens and working in symphony with angelic ministry

Dying to Oneself

Again, I sensed that an angel had taken my left hand and was escorting me into the realms of heaven. When I ‘landed’ I came into an immense room full of glory and light. Four angels escorted me to a large high podium or bench of some type. When I looked up to see the bench, I was blinded by the radiance of the brilliant white light and power that emanated from that spot. I suddenly realized that I was in the place of Zechariah 3. I was standing in the heavenly council room of God.  A holy fear gripped me, and I slumped, seeking to fall upon my face, but several angels held me up by my arms and kept me in a standing position. My strength totally evaporated. In the presence of the Lord, I dared not look at the bench nor the brilliant glory and blinding white light that exploded from behind it. I was sure that it was the Father, and I was also certain that if I looked at Him I would die.

Suddenly I was aware that an extraordinary multitude of angelic beings were surrounding this room and that there was worship and singing that venerated the Lamb of God. However, I was too terrified to enjoy the thousands of angels that were present or to concentrate upon the ethereal music. In this place I was instantly aware of my sinful nature and the self-seeking agendas hidden deep within my heart. A holy fear of eternal damnation permeated my spirit, and I was terrified of what might happen next. In the next instant I heard a railing voice making all sorts of accusations about me.

As I raised my head a little to see who was speaking, I caught a glimpse of a mighty right hand moving violently down from the midst of the glory of the throne (or what may have been the judgment seat of God). I was gripped with the pure fear of the Lord. Suddenly the Father’s right hand slammed down a wooden gavel with ornate golden inlaid trim. Immediately there was an ear splitting crack of thunder, and lightnings shot from the place that the gavel had made contact with the podium. Instantly it was silent save for the sound of harps gently playing in the glory around the judgment seat.

Our Advocate

Then I saw Jesus. He stepped forward and began to speak to the Father, though I was unable to understand the language that He spoke. The Lord spoke for several minutes. During this time the holy fear had lifted from my spirit a little, and I dared to look around at my surroundings a teeny bit. Somehow, I knew that Jesus was, at that moment, arguing my case before the Father the way a lawyer might present a client’s defense in a court on earth. I turned to the left to see my Lord. For the first time since I had arrived in this place I was able to feel Christ’s total and unparallel love for me. I felt the power of His unconditional love the same way that I had first experienced it when Jesus had called me to Him in prayer the first time. That was the time that He told me that he was ‘appointing’ four angels to me. I was experiencing the sensation of Christ’s love the same way that I did the time the Lord stood over me in Living Waters Church in Springdale, Newfoundland, Canada. The love and grace of God that exuded from Jesus at that moment gave me hope that I might live and not die. I began to get a little courage to examine the environment in more detail.

As Jesus spoke to the Father on my behalf, I looked at the judgment seat or podium again. The glory of the Father was still radiating from that place in brilliance, and there were sweeping and swirling circles of phosphorescent colors radiating from His presence. The brilliance of these waves of color caused my eyes to ache. Still, I was too fearful to look for longer than a fleeting second. The podium was massive and seemed to be at least 25 or thirty feet high, and very long. It was difficult to determine the size because of the brilliance of the glory that was emanating from the Father as it obscured the podium. It appeared to be fashioned of fine polished wood and was inlaid with intricate works and designs of gold.

As I turned my head to the left and right, I could see what appeared to be literally millions angelic beings who were watching these events unfold. This plethora of angels were all garbed in immaculate white robes and sat in a massive circle around the throne of God. I was mesmerized. Standing in a semi- circle around me were four familiar angels. About two dozen angelic beings were seated nearby. They were all robed in shining white garments. When I made eye contact with one of my friends, one of the angels beside me, he smiled at me with reassurance. However, I was still in a state of fear and shock that I was actually in this place that I had just preached and prophesied about just a few hours earlier. I was aware of the immaculate white marble floor that I was standing on. It felt very clean and cool to my bare feet.


When Jesus finished His oration, there was another incredibly loud clap of thunder as the Father slammed the podium once more with His gavel. Lightening bolted through the massive room, and it was silent again, save for the harps. Suddenly the Father spoke. This both surprised me and brought another round of fear into my heart. He said, “What say you?” Then I began to hear the enemy. I looked to my right and saw satan. He was bringing railing accusations against me. He was quite angry, and he was very animated. He was jumping up and down and screaming, “Those souls are mine. He cannot have them!”

Like a Flea on a Hot Ash Pile

The evil one turned and pointed a boney finger in my direction, and continued to scream and bring more and more accusations and lies against me. At that moment I was in complete surprise at his appearance. In this place he looked quite harmless, and I had the revelation that it is through subterfuge, deception, fear, and lies that he convinces humans that he is powerful and fierce. In fact, he is not. In this place it is apparent that he is defeated. For a moment I considered laughing at his accusations and lies, but I was also aware of the fact that would have been improper here. However, I did allow a small smile to rise up in my spirit. When this happened the angel that was standing on my left holding my arm looked at me sternly. I lowered my head and began to wonder just exactly what I was experiencing.

From time to time I would glimpse at the glory surrounding the Father’s judgment seat, but I was too fearful to look for longer than a short second. As I peeked up, I saw the Father’s mighty right hand slam the gavel down onto the podium again. Once more lightning bolts flew from the spot through the massive room, and thunder roared in my ears. When the thundering subsided, it was silent again save for the ethereal sound of the harps. As the echoes of the thundering’s subsided the Father spoke, “Enough.” His voice shook the building, and I could not help but notice the evil one cower and tremble in fear. I looked up at the glory that was emanating from the podium and the place where the hand of the Father had emerged from it. For a split nanosecond I was able to behold His glory, and I was filled with awe and delight at the utter splendor and majesty of the Lord. I did not actually see the Father, only His glory.

At that moment the Father broke the silence saying, “What say you?” I noticed that Jesus had turned and was looking at me, as were the angels that were in attendance. Then I realized that God was asking me to speak! For an instant my eyes locked with the beautiful eternal eyes of Christ, and I had instant revelation and said, “I ask not for the one million souls, but now I ask You, Father, for two million souls.” When I said this, the evil one began to have a tantrum and started foaming at the mouth and screaming at the podium once more. The evil one was jumping around like a flea on a hot ash pile. Once more I saw the Father’s mighty right hand appear through the glory cloud of His throne of judgment and grace to slam the gavel down all over again. As His hand appeared He bellowed, “Silence!” Once more thunder and lightning bolts flew throughout the massive room, and after a moment, it was silent again. Only the ethereal sound of the harps was present. I saw the evil one trembling and crouched in fear. Then the Father said, “Granted! Let it be so!” At that moment I saw a strong angel begin to write in a massive book. This powerful angel was seated at one end of the Father’s throne of grace or judgment seat.


When this happened, one of the attendant angels stepped up behind me and removed my robe. He took it and handed it to a second angel. For a moment I saw the robe that I had been wearing. For the first time I noticed that it was filthy, spotted, and ugly. Then a third attendant angel stepped forward and handed the first angel a fresh, clean, glimmering white robe. The first angel then placed the new robe upon my shoulders, and I smiled as I felt the power of the Holy Spirit course through my being. Suddenly I felt wholeness and cleansing that I had never experienced before. I turned to thank the angel and saw Jesus smiling brightly with approval of my new robe. 

Then the Father said, “Say on,” and I was aware that I was able to continue to make requests in the very presence of God. At this point I am not going to share any further from this parabolic heavenly vision except to say that I was allowed to ask the Father for several things as the vision unfolded. These are special pearls and personal treasures that I keep and ponder in my heart. However, I will say, that some things I requested were granted and sealed in heaven as I saw the Father’s mighty right hand descend each time to His throne of judgment and slam His gavel down saying, “Granted, Let it be so.” And each time I saw a strong angel begin to write in a massive book. There were two things that I requested that were not granted. These were also sealed with a mighty stroke of the gavel and accompanying thunders and lightening, and recorded by the ‘scribe’ angel in the massive books.

When my ‘session’ came to a conclusion I was aware that it was time for me to depart from this place, as there was other ‘pressing’ business at hand, or on the docket that day. I turned to see Jesus smile at me one last time. I had a strong desire to take a few steps to my left and reach out to touch Him as I had done in the past. However, I realized that was not appropriate here. Jesus was wearing a white tallit, or prayer shawl, over His shoulders and the tassels were a material composed of shimmering gold. They gently swayed just below His waist. I suddenly had the revelation that the Christ is a royal priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Christ had accomplished His mission of opening the heavens over mankind. Because of this we can enter freely into the heavenly realms and actually come boldly before the throne of grace.

 The strong angel that was standing by my left side took my left hand and suddenly I was traveling back through time and space again. I could feel my spirit accelerating and saw the earth come into view below. What a majestic planet! The clouds swirled and the seas appeared to be brilliant emerald green in places. (I thought to myself, “I would really like to go snorkeling there.”) In a few seconds we passed through the outer atmosphere of the earth and I saw North America. Then I recognized the Mississippi River. Almost immediately I was free falling directly at the roof of Christ Triumphant Christ. I turned to my left to see the strong angel smile at me one last time, and I ”reentered” my body which I could see lying at the foot of the altar.

I began to weep, and I noticed that my body was covered with sweat. The presence of Jesus still clung to me, and I laid upon the spot for a long time and wept greatly as I pondered these things in my heart. I could smell frankincense and could still feel Christ’s love radiating over me. As I laid there on the carpet, I could still hear harps and ethereal angelic voices singing in some unknown tongue, but that no longer surprised me. I was exhausted and hungry. Perhaps some Jacks Stacks Barbeque would be in order?

After this open heaven encounter, I seemed to be in a state of rapture for several days. I seemed to” sleep walk” through the preparations for the trip to Europe. On the flight to Europe, I was in constant prayer seeking the Lord for an explanation for these supernatural events. I remembered the prophetic decrees that I had spoken the final night of the School of the Supernatural, and I had the understanding that the Lord had allowed me to personally experience the message that I had shared. This kind of interaction with open heavens is a reality for people today. Again, you need not be a ‘chosen vessel’ or a member of the fivefold ministry. The Lord is calling his friends to “Come up here” in a similar way that he did with John the Revelator. We have the authority to appropriate the spiritual principle found in Revelation 4:1 at this crucial hour: After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”

The Lord is inviting His friends to ascend through the ‘door standing open in heaven’ or through open heavens. That is the hour that we are in. There is free access into the courts of God and other heavenly places. When we understand this and prepare ourselves to ‘attend’ the courts of heaven, we will be shown the things that God has ordained to “take place after this.” For me, I believe that the Lord has promised that I will be given the grace to be responsible for seeing 2,000,000 salvations through the work of my hands as I walk in obedience to His Spirit. This will happen in some fashion. How this will unfold, I am not sure. However, I have the promise, and I trust the Father to bring it to pass. The only thing that I need to do is to listen carefully and learn to ‘hear’. I need to learn to watch carefully and learn to ‘see’. Then I need to be obedient to God’s Spirit and do those things that I see and hear. Perhaps, the Lord is calling you to do some things too. Perhaps the Lord is calling you to “Come up here” too? Perhaps you can access the realms of heaven and ‘co-labor’ with God’s angels therein. What would you ask God for?

To accomplish this we will need to fulfill the requirements that are laid out in Revelation 3. Before the invitation to ‘Come up here’ was given to John there were prerequisites established in Revelation 3:20-22 where Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Jesus is telling us that we have a part to play in ‘opening the heavens’. We can be transformed into over comers. We can minister as priests after the order of Melchizedek. First it is necessary to hear His voice because the Lord is telling us at times He still stands at the door and knocks today. What door? The door of your heart. Yes, perhaps, but more importantly, it is the door that opens the heavens over our lives. We have been given the keys to open the door, or heavens, over our lives through the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s Tree. This supernatural key comes when we hear His voice and seek to cleanse ourselves in preparation to ascend into the courts and realms of heaven.

We can now access the realms of heaven to gain revelation and implement or release the Kingdom of Heaven on earth in our spheres of influence. This is possible because Jesus Christ came and opened the heavens over mankind. The Lord modeled for us how the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek would function and minister. We can emulate Jesus and pass through the heavens according to the principle of Hebrews 4:14: Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. It is possible for you and me to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.We can access the realms of heaven just as Christ modeled for you and I. The Apostle Paul had supernatural revelation about this aspect of the new covenant that Christ forged for you and me upon the cross of Calvary.Jesus purchased this aspect of our inheritance with His own precious blood.

This article is a lot like other chapters in Kevin Basconi’s books. There are several trilogy’s of  Kevin’s books available at really low prices today.

To order the trilogy of Visitations of Angels and Other Supernatural Experiences CLICK HERE.

To order the trilogy “Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing” CLICK HERE.

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This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for King of Glory Ministries International, 212 W. Ironwood Drive – Box 240-D, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814

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