The Seers of Old and The Genesis of It All

Through a series of supernatural miracles of provision and angelic intervention, I traveled to Tanzanian, in East Africa, in 2002. (Over two decades ago as of now). Today King of Glory Ministries International is still ministering the love of the Father to widows and orphans in that nation (and other nations) 365 days of the year. Eventually, by the grace of God, I was able to lead tens of thousands to Christ as Savior in Africa. To God be all the doxa glory.

On Tuesday, May 28, 2002, I found myself in the Tilapia Hotel in Mwanza, Tanzania. After I had been interceding and praying in tongues for about three hours, I saw the heavens rip open. Jesus descended a second time into the terrestrial realm to visit me just as He had done in Canada on November 25, 2001. The Lord stood over me for about three and one-half to four hours speaking to me and teaching me Kingdom truth. The whole time He was standing over me, I witnessed perhaps hundreds of angels which were ascending and descending upon Jesus (John 5:19). He would point and send them out to different areas of Africa.

As I lay there listening to Jesus and talking to Him, I was unable to move. Once more I found myself glued to the cold tile floor of the bungalow. I was no longer in a hotel room in Tanzania. Rather, I had been translated to what appeared to be the sea of glass like crystal in the heavenly realms (Revelation 4:6). Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the heavenly realms invaded my space here on earth. During this whole visitation Jesus was assigning these angels to many different nations. In between the times that the Lord was instructing and sending these mighty angels, He was speaking to me about the seer anointing.

The Seers of Old

Jesus said, “Kevin, I want you to study about the seers of old.” I said, “Well, I don’t know what a seer is, Lord.” Remember that this was back in 2002 and I was a new believer in this Man named Christ. He told me to start my reading in 1 Samuel, chapter 9. “Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he spoke thus: ‘Come, let us go to the seer’; for he who is now called a prophet was formerly called a seer” (v. 9). And He began to teach me and speak to me about the seer anointing for about three hours. I didn’t know anything about seers back then. And to be quite honest, I don’t have the full revelation about the seer realms now. But I have some understanding, and I believe God wants me to share what He has given me with you. Specifically, the Lord instructed me to share the testimonies and prayers that are in the Seer 1 book with you, the reader. On February 25, 2014, I experienced another angelic visitation in my prayer room in Moravian Falls, North Carolina, and the Lord released some additional revelation concerning the seer anointing to me from Psalm 24. That revelation is the crux of the Seer 2 book.

So going back to February 25, 2001, the Lord called me to teach the things that He has commanded. In May of 2002 the Lord instructed me to begin to study the “seers of old.” I have been faithful and have pressed into studying the seers of old in the scripture for twelve years as of this writing. Later in 2007 the Lord gave me more revelation concerning the seer anointing and His seers during a visitation to heaven. And then there was the encounter that transpired on February 25, 2014. All of these events are woven together in a tapestry of grace and revelation. By the grace of God, allow me to unpack the rest of the testimony now!

The Season of the Golden Eagle

Later, God gave me my beautiful wife, Kathy, and accelerated the ministry even more. We had a home on 11200 Kensington Avenue, in Kansas City, Missouri. During this time a large golden eagle had begun to visit our home and the lake in the back yard. It would come to the backyard and eat fish out of the lake there. The Lord had spoken to me about the golden eagle and its relationship to the seer anointing. So for three weeks I had pressed through doing research about golden eagles and the seer anointing. In the Bible when we read things about mounting up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31), it’s talking about the golden eagle. I believe many scriptural references to eagles refer to the golden eagle. It’s my conclusion and opinion that the golden eagle represents the seer anointing that is for you today.

During this season in 2007, I had been fasting for three days when Jesus appeared to me in a dream and told me to “Google the golden eagle.” When I glanced at the clock it was 4:20 a.m. (Acts 4:20). I got up and surfed the Internet for revelation on the golden eagle! I saw images of the same kind of bird that was fishing in our back yard. Our visitor was an adolescent golden eagle. I am not an ornithologist, but I believe the eagle I was seeing was an adolescent golden eagle. I continued to fast and pray. I started meditating on Acts 4:19-20 for the next three weeks. I read those two scriptures hundreds of times. Finally the Lord highlighted a section—“We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard”—andI had an epiphany. God wants us to speak and declare the things that we see and hear. He wants us to hear and to see in a new way!

Soon I realized that this golden eagle visiting our home in Kansas City was indeed a sign and wonder. I have concluded that the golden eagle represents the “seer anointing” and the release of the gift of discerning of spirits. The golden eagle’s appearance in Kansas City led to the revelation that the Lord was releasing the prophetic gift of the “seer” anointing into many cities around the earth. Kathy and I shared this message in many nations in 2007, encouraging people to prepare their hearts and spirits for the seer realms. As we traveled we also discovered that golden eagles were returning to many cities in America and throughout the world.

We were also given a newspaper article about a pair of golden eagles that had built a large nest in one of the largest cities in the Netherlands. Golden eagles were being restored to health and were beginning to show up in a lot of cities around the earth! Soon I began to see many media articles about this phenomenon. We believe the restoration of the eagles were signs in the natural of what the Lord is doing in the spiritual dimension. The seer anointing is also beginning to be released and restored in mass in many cities and in many nations throughout the earth as the Holy Spirit pours out the gift of discerning of spirits. This phenomenon has only accelerated since 2007.

During this season in 2007, I prayed continuously asking the Lord to give me a revelation about all these things that were happening. I was in my prayer room on April 29 (Acts 4:29) when I was caught up into heaven where I came to sit beside Jesus on a large granite bench in the heavenly realms. Once again the Lord began to speak to me about the seer anointing. I’m sitting there beside Jesus, and I see all these beautiful mountains in a distance but I can’t see them very clearly. The Lord takes His right index finger and He points and says, “Kevin, look!” (By the way the right index finger represents the office of the prophet.)

When I followed where Jesus was pointing, it was like my vision multiplied and I was able to see much more clearly. This happened two or three times. Finally, my vision became so clear that I could see a golden eagle’s nest, even though it was miles and miles away. I saw eggs in this golden eagle’s nest that were beginning to hatch. I saw these little eaglets begin to come out of the eggs and they began to chirp. They were saying, “Seers; seers; seers.” I had this revelation that God is birthing and raising up seers all over the earth at this hour. It was later that year that we began to see and learn about the restoration of the golden eagles in the natural.

I then turned to my left and looked into the eyes of the Lord, and I was catapulted back through time and space; I went from Kansas City and Heaven back to Africa in 2002. So I went backwards in time and from North America to Heaven to Africa. I relived the whole experience where Jesus stood over me for three and one-half hours and taught me about the seer anointing. I was really glad because I was able to make better notes. (Here is a key: when God begins to give you seer experiences, write things down.) Now I am in Africa and I’m lying on the sea of glass like crystal again, and I hear the Lord teaching me about the seer anointing and the seers of old all over again. I relive the entire experience that happened about five years earlier. As the experience was drawing to a conclusion, I suddenly hear the screech of a golden eagle. Instantly I find myself being catapulted back through time and space to the granite bench in the heavenly places where Jesus is sitting and speaking to me about the seers of old (Ephesians 1:20).

A Paradigm Shift

I’m thinking to myself, “Wait a minute. Am I in Kansas City, am I in Heaven, or am I in Africa?” The answer is that I was probably in all three places at once. In the seer realm or the glory realms there is no time as we know it and there is no distance as we know it. And that’s going to be one of the hidden mysterious things God is going to release to His people. He’s going to give us the liberty to be translated from one place to another. The key is to be able to see and hear what God is doing. The key is to be able to see and hear in a new way, with a Kingdom mindset. It is a paradigm shift.

At that point in 2007, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Kevin, the day will come when I will release you to teach My people about the seer anointing.” You are reading this because of that supernatural directive of the Lord. I believe that there is a grace placed upon our life for impartation of gifts—impartation to see and hear well from the Lord, or to activate the seer anointing in your life.

I believe that you are not reading this by accident! I prophesy that you will receive an impartation by the Spirit of God. You are reading this because God has called you to a specific task, at a specific time, in a specific place. A place where the heavens are going to open and God is going to release a supernatural blessing upon you and yours.

Prayer for Boldness to See and Hear in a New Way

Father, in Jesus’ name I ask that You grant to Your servant boldness to see and hear the way that You want me to see and hear. It is right in Your sight, O God, to listen and to hear You more clearly rather than listen to the doctrine of man. Lord, I ask that You open up the seer realms to me so that I am empowered by Your Spirit to see and hear clearly from Your Kingdom. Then I shall decree: “For I cannot but speak the things which I have seen and heard.” In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


I have republished this article at this time because I believe that it is a “now” word for you. With the events that are unfolding upon the earth it is imperative that we learn to hear and see from the heavenly realms and the Lord in a new and supernatural way.

If you would like to read more about this dynamic you can visit our new online store and get the Seer Books that are on sale now  by clicking HERE.

All proceeds from the sale of any books or art work will help to minister to widows and orphans financially. Thank you in advance.

To “see” a few of Kevin’s new miniature paintings click HERE.

Kevin Basconi

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