Chronological and Geographical Obedience and the Seer Anointing

This Article is taken from Kevin Basconi’s new book “Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing”. In this personal testimony Kevin shares several keys to activating the seer anointing in your life. This article also describes a dramatic angelic encounter that occurred in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. By practicing chronological and geographical obedience you can rip or rend the heavens over your life and position yourself to activate the seer anointing in your life. We hope that you will find this testimonial teaching encouraging and informative.

He was Transfigured Before Them

At the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus chose to take three of His disciples to a specific geographic location at a fixed or appointed time. There God poured out a supernatural grace to activate the seer anointing in the lives of Peter, James, and John. We see this in Matthew 17:1-2: “Now after six days [a specific time] Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain [a specific place] by themselves; and He was transfigured before them.”

These are important keys to opening the heavens over your life. The disciples entered into the spirit by proximity by practicing chronological and geographical obedience.

Preach the Gospel to Every Creature

In 2006 Kathy and I were living in Kansas City, Missouri. We were experiencing wonderful supernatural encounters, angelic visitations, and great grace upon our lives and the ministry in Kansas City. In 2002, the Lord had spoken to me in a mud hut in Murchison Falls, Uganda, and instructed me to move to Kansas City and to submit to the spiritual authority of the leadership at Christ Triumphant Church. In February of 2006 the Lord spoke to me very clearly again instructing us to move to Moravian Falls, North Carolina. Quite frankly, I did not want to leave Kansas City. You see, we had grace and favor there. We were members of a wonderful fellowship, Christ Triumphant Church. In addition to this I love Jack Stacks Barbecue (the one on Metcalf Avenue) near the iHOP (not the restaurant).

It was the first time in my life that I had a pastor who loved and fully supported the ministry. And on top of all of that, our home was free and clear of any mortgage and there was a lake in my backyard that was full of bass. You see, I love to bass fish. Sometimes the Holy Spirit goes fishing with me and tells me where to cast my line. In fact, there are even places in heaven where you can fish and swim in the rivers of God. (If you would like to read more testimonies about all of the beautiful places in heaven and what they look like, get my book Angels in the Realms of Heaven.)

Preach to Every Creature

Here is an amazing testimony. I had a pet bass named Dink who lived in my lake. I caught Dink at least six or seven times over the years that we lived on the lake. Dink had a distinctive V shape notched in his dorsal fin. I preached the Gospel to Dink the first time I caught him (I preached to most of the bass I caught in the lake). I explained in great detail to the fish God’s simple plan of salvation. Then I asked Dink if he wanted to receive Jesus into his fishy heart, telling him to just wiggle his fins and to open his mouth a three times if he wanted to be saved. He did. Then I said, “Dink, upon your confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Ghost!” Then I fully submersed Dink back in the water and told him in parting, “Now go forth and fin no more!” After all, the Scripture encourages us to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And he who believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mark 16:15-16, emphasis added). I just assumed that meant fish too!


Nonetheless, in obedience to the Lord, I simply told the Him, “OK, Lord; we will move, just tell us when.” The Lord instructed us to prepare our home to sell and to move in 2008. Now I hope that this testimony will be encouraging to many of you who the Lord is nudging to move geographically. I call this geographical obedience. When we put our home on the market at the exact time that Lord had told us to, we received an offer to buy our home at 11200 Kensington Avenue even before the For Sale sign was placed in the yard! Can you say “supernatural”?

When we moved to Moravian Falls, the Lord instructed me to take a one-year sabbatical from doing ministry, travel, and preaching and to seek Him. The Lord also directed me to focus on building our little log cabin at 437 West Meadows Parkway (just outside of Moravian Falls, North Carolina). He told me not to do any ministry—zero! I have to admit, it was a stretch for me and many were the late nights that I wondered if I had missed the Lord by making the move to Moravian Falls. I had promised Kathy that we would move into the new log cabin by November 27th of 2008, Thanksgiving. So I was working hard to meet that goal.

Sometimes when you are seeking to be chronologically and geographically obedient the Lord will test you.

One October night I had determined to work late. It had been a rough day. I had smashed my finger and it was throbbing; I also cut this same finger and it was bleeding on and off. The day was unusually warm, and I was sweating profusely. That day I literally poured blood, sweat, and tears into our little cabin! Kathy was visiting our family in another state (Idaho-where I am working on this article tonight 12-12-2022). So, I decided to work as late as I could stand it in an effort to meet the deadline. I was sawing and putting up trim. I was not feeling particularly “spiritual” that night. I worked up until about 1:30 a.m. I accidentally hit my bleeding and throbbing finger again, so I decided to call it a night.

I did not want to lose the hour and a half it would take me to drive back and forth between the cabin and the little crackerjack house we were renting. You see, earlier I had gone to a local discount store and picked up a cheap cot and a little blanket. I pulled the temporary power and cut off all of the electricity from the temporary power poll to the cabin. I took my little flashlight and my cot and settled in one of the unfinished bedrooms on the second floor. It was littered with sheetrock dust and my sweat and blood!

I took my travel Bible out and began to read the word by flashlight. I looked at the time and it was now past 2:30 a.m. (Psalm 23). I was totally exhausted. As I drifted off to sleep, I asked the Lord if I had missed Him by moving to Moravian Falls and building this cabin. I was not doing any ministry; and to top things off, my hands hurt, I was covered in blood, and I smelled of sweat. I thought, Could this really be God? This thought took the form of a “heart prayer.”

About 4 a.m. I was startled into consciousness! Confused for a moment, I wondered if my little “heart prayer,” asking the Lord if I had missed Him with the move to North Carolina, had continued; perhaps I was praying in my sleep. I awoke to discover that the manifest glory of God was suspended in the room; the reverential fear of the Lord was also hovering in that unfinished, second floor bedroom! When I opened my eyes, I saw a very bright white phosphorescent supernatural light was illuminating the room. There was no electricity, and my little flashlight was lying on the floor beside me, off. Every hair on my body seemed to stand on end, and I wondered if it were possible to crawl under the floorboards.

Parchment and Leather

Suddenly I saw a large eight-foot tall angel appear at the foot of my cot! It was the glory and glow that was coming from this angelic being that was lighting up the room. I was frozen by the angel’s proximity. He was dressed in what looked to be a colonial style jacket with a big brass belt buckle and big brass buttons. This angelic being was also wearing a big hat that was adorned with a large brass looking buckle in the front. He had great big bushy eyebrows; one eyebrow was raised up at a sharp angle as he stared intently at me. In his big calloused hands was a large ledger or book of some sort. It looked to be ancient, and I thought that I could smell parchment and leather exuding from the angel’s book.

This angelic messenger was glancing back and forth between the book and me with a perplexed and somewhat menacing countenance. The pages of his book were flipping by very fast like the wings of a hummingbird. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity, stunned by the presence and glory of this angelic visitor. After a few of minutes the angel took his right index finger and jammed it into the book, which stopped the pages from flipping by. The angel glanced at me again, and then I watched him scan the writing as he moved his finger down the page. After a short while he stopped and looked up at me with a twinkle in his bright green eyes.

He looked at me little more intently, as if he were trying to recognize me. I watched as his pupils focused. At that moment a welcoming smile creased his lips and his scour seemed to melt into acceptance. As the smile spread across his face, he said in a booming voice, “You are welcome here!” I did not recognize the accent that the angel spoke with. I laid there frozen by the fear of Lord and by the presence of my supernatural visitor. My eyes were now glued to the angel standing at the foot of my little cot.

I examined him carefully for about ten more seconds. His big green eyes locked with mine for an instant. A twinkle flashed in his eyes. My angelic visitor smiled at me once more, nodded his head slightly in my direction, and suddenly he vanished, leaving the glory and reverential fear of God lingering in the unfinished bedroom. After the angel had been gone for a while and the fear of the Lord subsided a little, I began to wonder if I should have asked my angelic visitor some questions. As I pondered these things in my heart, the supernatural light continued to illuminate the room for several more moments after the angel’s abrupt departure. Eventually the light of the glory faded. However, I found that I was still frozen by fear in the darkness. The odor of my perspiration was now mingled with a wonderful heavenly fragrance of parchment, leather, lavender, and roses.

“Heart Prayer”

Some our friends who have stayed in that bedroom in our log home have experienced angelic encounters. I believe that the heavens were ripped open there when this angelic messenger, whom I believe to be a Moravian, stepped into the room on that warm October night. Since that time I have had literally dozens of angelic visitations in our log home in Moravian Falls. I must admit, it was nice to know that we were welcomed in the “spirit.” I have occasionally wondered what would have happened to someone who was not “welcome here.

Perhaps the Lord released this angel as an answer to my “heart prayer.” Remember, prayer is one of the two most important keys to opening the heavens over your life. Perhaps the Lord sent this messenger to give me revelation of the fact that God had positioned me in a “certain” place where the heavens were open to a greater degree. Perhaps this was the fruit of our chronological and geographical obedience. I certainly know that God releases angels and opens the heavens over peoples’ lives. I know this has happened in Moravian Falls prior to this. I could share many testimonies along this line.

On February 25, 2009, the Lord visited me at our little log home and assigned a “scribe” angel to me. Since that time I have written many books including the trilogy on angels and others with the help of this “scribe” angel. Again, this is another mysterious and glorious aspect of the Kingdom of Heaven and another of the hidden mysteries of the seer anointing. Surely God is unlocking these hidden mysteries of the seer anointing and giving them to His friends at this hour. Supernatural encounters like the one I just shared will become more and more common for you when you activate your seer gifting and learn to walk in the seer realm with maturity and wisdom.

Obedient to the Spirit

The activation or impartation of the gifts of the spirit and the seer anointing is often the fruit or outcome that unfolds in a person’s life when they enter into or experiencing an open heaven. The last testimony shares a modern day example of this dynamic of the seer anointing activating during a supernatural experience or open heaven encounter. Let’s continue by looking at additional examples and scriptural keys that can help unlock the seer anointing and open heavens. It is important to understand that many people in the Bible had their spiritual senses or the seer anointing activated to see into the realm of the spirit by stepping into places where the heavens were open. (See Genesis 32, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1, 2 Kings 6:17, Zechariah 2:1-5, Luke 3:21-22, Matthew 17:1-8, and Acts 1:9, to reference but a few.)

Again, it is important to remember that the Lord can send you to a specific geographic area or specific place where the heavens are already open to help activate or open the heavens over your life. We have seen this dynamic unfold in my testimony and life. If you read Visitations of Angels # 1, I share a similar testimony in which the Lord sent me to Newfoundland, Canada, to activate my spiritual vision for the first time. That was the first time that I experienced a visitation of Jesus in the temporal or earthly realm. That was also the first time that I had the eyes of my understanding enlightened to see God’s angels on earth (Ephesians 1:17-21).

Perhaps the Lord will use a similar pattern in your life. Sometimes people cannot experience open heavens and get the seer anointing and all of the associated blessings activated in their lives because they are geographically disobedient. One of my neighbors says it this way, “If you are not in the place that God has called you to be you will find that there is no grace to be in the place where you are.” I like to say that we need grace for our place! By the way, through a supernatural series of events and the grace of God we were able to finished building our log home and received our certificate of occupancy on November 17th of 2008. We enjoyed a great turkey dinner the first Thanksgiving under the open heavens in our little log home.

So allow me to encourage you to be obedient to the leadings of the Holy Spirit when you are asked to travel to a new place. Perhaps the Lord has a purpose for such a trip, and it could be something that God requires of you. Your obedience to take such a trip could turn out to be your Mount of Transfiguration experience. I call these prophetic acts of obedience. Search for places or geographic areas that are under an open heaven, and invest time seeking the Lord there. Jerusalem is a great example of a geographic place like this. I have had numerous seer experiences in the Holy City. In 2011 a fiery angel visited Kathy and I in the Ramada Inn in Jerusalem!

A geographic place where the heavens are opened can be called a Mahanaim. There are lots of places like this on the earth today. To read other testimonies that can help you understand open heavens and how being in the right place at the right time can activate the seer gift in your life get Kevin’s New book “Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing”. This is called chronological and geographical obedience. These are two very important keys to unlocking the hidden mysteries of the seer anointing in your life.

This article was taken from Kevin Basconi’s book Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing #1”.

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This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for King of Glory Ministries International, 212 W. Ironwood Drive – Box 240-D, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814

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