A New Creation

Cornerstone Scripture – 2Cornthians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

This can be a year that all things become new for you! This can be the year that the Creator of heaven and earth recreates your life and circumstances. It does not matter what your situation is right now. God can transform your life! God can turn your situation around in a supernatural way. Our Decree book can be the catalyst that can initiate your metamorphosis! Just purpose to read and decree one of these scripturally based word decrees over your life every day. They changed my life and they can change your life too.

Oh, hallelujah! My soul magnifies the Lord! I praise His Holy Name! Today as I sit here in my office I cannot help but smile! My soul cannot stop praising the Lord. You see not so long ago I was in a horrible place. I knew that Jesus was real, and I also knew that Jesus could save me. He could turn my life around. However I was mired in a place of sin, sickness, hopelessness, poverty, and addiction. I was sure that it was either hell of jail for me!

Oh, but one day I prayed to receive Jesus as my Savior, and I was instantly delivered from drug addiction. My life began to be transformed (2Cornthians 5:17). It did not happen overnight, but it happened supernaturally fast as I submitted my will to His. Today the Lord has totally transformed every area of my life. I am a new creation, who is being transformed into the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ, day by day, little by little.

One of the most important things that initiated this change from sickness to health, from poverty to prosperity, from hopelessness to hope was the word of God. I am certain that God’s word can also initiate a similar transformation in your life too. It may take some time, however, as you begin to speak and decree out loud the word declarations in this book you will initiate the release of God’s grace and favor upon you life and circumstances transforming every aspect of your life. 

There is a supernatural and divine exchange that transpires as you decree God’s word and His heart over your life and circumstances. The Bible teaches us that God’s angels listen to (heed) His spoken word and they move quickly to bring it to pass (Psalm 103:20). That is one way that you will begin to see this tangible manifestation and sovereign transformation in your life, through the ministry and work of the Lord’s unseen agents of revival. As you speak His word His angels work to bring it to fruition in your life and circumstances. I know this to be true. So just purpose in your heart to “believe to receive” grace and favor from the Lord to spark a supernatural transformation in your life this year as you decree these 365 Word Decrees That Can Revolutionize Your Life.

Declaration: Lord as I speak and decree your word over my life I choose to believe that you are releasing Your grace and favor upon me this year. Father, I thank you that I am being changed, and transformed into a new creature. Thank you Lord! I praise you Lord because my old man is passing away and all things are becoming new. Thank you Lord that you are changing the circumstances in my life. Father, in the name of Jesus, I welcome Your angelic hosts to go forth and to begin to minister and to work fully on my behalf. Thank you Lord for changing my circumstances. Thank you Lord for taking me from sickness to health. Thank you Lord for taking me into a place of prosperity and abundance. Thank you Lord for taking me into a place of light, and hope. Because I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior I am  a new creation; my old life is passing away; all things in my life are being transformed into a new thing that is being created in the image of Jesus. Today I decree that I will believe to receive the supernatural grace and favor that You are placing upon my life, and I thank you Lord, for taking me into a place of supernatural grace, favor, health, and prosperity. In Jesus name I pray and decree! Amen! Hallelujah!

Prayer of Salvation

Perhaps you would like to be born again and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior now. Just pray this prayer out loud:

Father God, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior or Messiah. I believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and that He died upon the Cross to make payment for my sins. I believe that Jesus was buried in an unused grave, but that after three days He rose again to conquer death and sin. Lord, because I was born a human being, I was born a sinner. Lord, I ask you to forgive my sins now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God, cover my sins with the atoning blood of Jesus and forgive me now. Amen.

To order Kevins book “31 Word Decrees that can Revolutionize your Life” CLICK HERE.

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This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for King of Glory Ministries International,

212 W Ironwood Drive, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814 * 828-320-3502. www.kevinbasconi.org

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