Activating Your 20-20 Spiritual Vision – NOW

20/20 Spiritual Vision Matriculates from Heaven to Earth

The anointing or ability to see into more than one dimension at the same time is a manifestation of the seer anointing that is available to you right now. It is a time for you to step into 20/20 spiritual vision. Some of you are going to walk into that supernatural dynamic of Christ’s Kingdom this year. I like to call it  20/20 spiritual vision.

We see it in 2 Chronicles 20:20. This year is the time for 20/20 spiritual vision to matriculate from heaven to earth! 2020 20/20 spiritual vision is for you if you can only believe to receive. For many years and in many places I have heard the passage from 2 Chronicles 20:20 preached and taught. In 2013 I began to experience a supernatural phenomenon of seeing into more than one dimension at the same time. Then the Lord began to speak to me from 2 Chronicles 20:20. The Holy Spirit revealed something to me that I had never seen nor heard before preached before. (Although I am sure it is out there somewhere). But I had never heard it taught or I’ve never heard it in any sermon the way the Spirit gave it to me. This revelation can help us to understand the importance of developing our spiritual senses. It can also help us to be diligent to hear the voice of the Lord clearly for ourselves as individuals.

Be Diligent

During the Day of Atonement in 2011 and 2012, I witnessed a lot of demonic activity taking place in the spiritual realm over the earth. During that experience I was incidentally taken up into heaven. To be seated with Jesus Christ on the back of a mighty white stallion in the heavenly places. I saw the Lord orchestrate battle plans with millions and millions of angelic beings, a heavenly host of angelic beings. Clearly the Lord was planning to deal with the demonic activity happening over and within the earth.  This may have been a vision of Christ’s triumphant return, although I am not certain. There were millions of God’s angelic beings present in the spiritual dimensions.

I watched as the Lord began to instruct and to command His angels to maneuver around this dark and evil storm that was brewing. Jesus pulled His sword out of His sheath. The glory of God was being poured out of a supernatural opening ripped in the sky. There was amazing and copious glory was pouring out through the rip or opening in the heavens. God’s glory was invading the earth (nothing will be able to stop it). As I witnessed God’s glory pouring out upon the earth I saw the words that were inscribed upon on the sword of the Lord: “The Rest of the Lord”. These words were dancing in the glory of God at that moment. Jesus looked me in the eyes and said, “Tell My people to be diligent to enter into My rest in this season.”

During this experience the revelation was given to me from 2 Chronicles 20:20. This understanding can help you to activate your spiritual vision and to have your 20/20 spiritual vision magnified. So let’s look at 2 Chronicles 20:20:

Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.

What we see here in this passage of scripture is Jehoshaphat seeking the Lord because there was a great and evil storm approaching Judah. This dark and evil storm took the form of Amorites, Moabites, and Edomite’s. These “ites” really were types of demonic forces. The assembled armies greatly outnumbered the nation of Judah. In the natural realm it seemed that they had absolutely no hope.

In Our Humanness

I realized that this passage of scripture was a perfect parallel to what I saw in the spirit on the Day of Atonement—the dark and evil storm. Understanding from 2 Chronicles 20:20 dropped into my spirit. Jehoshaphat called for a time of corporate prayer and fasting for the entire nation of Judah. The King was seeking to hear God so that the Lord could give him wisdom to overcome this seemingly hopeless situation.

Isn’t it interesting that in our humanness we often wait until the odds are totally against us before we try to hear from God? But what God wants us to do is to hone our spiritual senses, to hone our discernment, to hone the gift of discernment until we can see and hear Him distinctly every minute of every day. That is the crux of this article.

That’s called 20/20 spiritual vision. We have now entered into a season to hone and develop our spiritual senses (Hebrews 5:14). The doors and windows of heaven are now open for this spiritual dynamic to manifest in our lives as we learn to “rest” in the Lord. It is the Lords plan and His timing. God is supernaturally birthing this dynamic of the ability to see and hear clearly from heaven today (20/20 spiritual vision). Discernment will matriculate from heaven to earth at this time if you can learn to discern it and can believe to receive it.

The Battle

Continuing 2 Chronicles 20:15 the scriptures say; “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” I believe that’s what the Lord is saying at this hour. Yes, there may be dark and evil storm, even some tribulations coming upon the earth at this season. But the Lord says; “Do not be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

The key to Judah overcoming these demonic entities that were arrayed against this nation in battle was hearing the voice of God—the ability to hear the voice of God. Hearing the Lord’s voice is the key to unlocking 20/20 spiritual vision in your life and it is the key to help you and I overcome the present evil of this day.

What we need is to accurately discern and to understand what God is doing, (and what the Lord is NOT doing). And then, like Jesus, we need to do those things we see our Father doing. We need to learn to function like a royal priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Jesus only did those things He saw His Father doing, according to John 5:19 and John 12:49…

“For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.

Jesus heard His Father very clearly, and so should we. This is a pattern established by the Lord Jesus. One single person who knows God intimately and hears the Lord clearly can change the destiny of a nation on their knees.

A Modern Day Gathering of Prayer and Fasting

In this passage, 2 Chronicles 20:20, God honors the nation’s fasting and prayers. He spoke to them through Jahaziel, the Levite, and God gave them a plan. We saw a modern day example of this happen in Kansas City, and Arrowhead Stadium in October 2020. Thousands of intercessors gathered at the home of the Super Bowl champions!

When we begin to seek God with prayer and fasting, (two keys to honing your spiritual vision and developing your 20/20 spiritual vision), we’ll be able to hear and see clearly what God is doing for each of our lives as individuals. This has always been God’s plan: for the Creator to speak to the creature as a man speaks to a friend.

What happens in this passage is that the Lord supernaturally annihilates the assembled enemies of Judah and Jehoshaphat. The next day the army of Judah found all of the enemy dead upon the battlefield when they arrived to make war (2Chronicles 20:24, 25). The battle is not yours, but the Lord’s. Are you battling some enemies right now? The battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s.

When we learn to hear and see Him clearly and rest in the Lord, God will fight our battle for us. It’s still true for you and me today. Learn to discern God’s voice for yourself and do not allow the prophet or pastor to be your oracle for God. Hear Him God for yourself.

That’s what God is going to do in this day. He is going to release and abundance of valuables to us. The hidden treasures of darkness are going to be released to God’s family. One of the easiest ways for the Body of Christ to walk in this is to develop our 20/20 spiritual vision so we can hear God and see Him clearly is to rest in Him. And to wait and allow Him to work on our behalf. This kind of waiting prayer sounds counterproductive, but it is Kingdom power to those who can find it.

It’s always been God’s plan for the Creator to speak to the creature as a man speaks to a friend. And that’s what we see 2 Chronicles 20. These scriptures are prophetic promises or a prophetic portrait for us concerning how God wants to bless each of us as His children. God wants us to hear His voice and obey His instructions.

Why? So we can enter into His rest—not just to touch it occasionally but to dwell in the fullness of God’s rest. And when we learn to do that, what we are going to do is overcome the demonic powers which are arrayed against us. Here’s the fruit of it—2 Chronicles 20:29-30:

And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they heard that the LORD had fought against the enemies of Israel. Then the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet, for his God gave him rest all around.

That is the fruit of developing your 20/20 spiritual vision. That is the fruit of you honing your ability to see and hear God directly and clearly. That is the fruit of developing your discernment. I have been preaching and teaching about the need to develop Godly discernment for over a decade. We need greater spiritual discernment in our lives every minute of every single day. We can no longer afford to let our shields down or live a lukewarm faith.

This scripture illustrates God’s desire for your life. He wants to speak to you as a man speaks to a friend. And the key to hearing God will it is to be diligent to enter into the rest of the Lord and developing our 20/20 2020 spiritual vision. The Lord wants to give us rest on every side. He wants us to rule and to reign in this life. He wants us to rule in the midst of a dark and evil storm. But to do that, we need to have our 20/20 2020 spiritual vision activated. This supernatural dynamic is true today just us as it was true in the days of Jehoshaphat.

God is raising up an end-time army of royal priests who will hear God clearly. They will be diligent to enter into the rest of the Lord and allow the Lord to fight their battles for them. And just like the people of Judah, these royal priests will declare and prophesy in the midst of the darkness in the midst of the evil storm: “Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Looking at some serious circumstances? This is the prophetic word I have for you: The battle is not yours, but God’s. Give it over to God and allow Him to be able to work on your behalf.

To read more about entering into the rest of the Lord you can get the book, “The Sword of the Lord”. To order this book CLICK HERE.

This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for King of Glory Ministries International,

212 W Ironwood Drive, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814 * 828-320-3502.

You can view a few of Kevin’s paintings of Kabowd Glory by Clicking HERE.

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